It’s been 11 years since Natura became India’s first and only professional aerial riggers. In this time Natura developed a culture of following protocol and, some would say, an obsession with safety. This so called obsession makes sense when you take founder Avishkar Tendle’s past as an adventuring professional into consideration.
By 2015, Natura started getting asked simply to check, audit and advise on other stage rigging or temporary set-ups. This gave birth to Natura Safety Consultants, a small team whose sole task was to create protocols and checklists for safety audits for various industries.
All this made working with the PROTOS Force Monitoring System an obvious choice.
PROTOS started it’s life as a solution to a problem that was recognised by it’s founders Jasper, Cor and Menze van der Sluis. The market showed a clear demand for a competitively priced Force Monitoring System. Deciding to take matters into their own hands, a family business was born to supply this demand.
Being able to measure the load you're lifting is essential to be able to provide safe working conditions, a philosophy that PROTOS and Natura have in common.